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I Love roundup

Originally published for

Roundup, I love you when the morning sun

Rises in splendor from the dark Bull Hills.

I love you when the day is done

When in the West the sunset flaming spills

Its breathless beauty bathing forest, field and hills

With molten gold, slow fading into night.

I love you when the sun is at high noon,

When cars drag Main like antelopes in flight.

I love you when the day's work is through.

My neighbors are out for their evening walk.

Home is the last tired evening tower crew.

Laughter I hear and also pleasant talk.

I love you for the quiet and the peace

That each days happy ending brings

And pray this time will never cease.

Why is it that my heart forever clings

To memories of places, faces that are dear

Down old familiar streets and paths I roam

And find that ever always I am led

To Roundup, my love, I am home.

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